This is the missing link that Western doctors aren’t taught about. Most doctors in the mainstream medical system do not conduct comprehensive detection work. As a result, they don’t have all the information to get results for you.
We do not practice the “spray and pray” approach to medicine. We practice Precision Medicine, personalized to you as an individual.
We can’t solve the crime unless we are being detectives, and for that, we need evidence. A comprehensive and specialized battery of tests is the evidence we need to create the right solutions tailored for you — for your body and for your life.
We call it a “camp” because we are stacking many therapeutics at our center together in one week. During this week, you step away from your normal routine and dedicate 100% of your time and focus to healing.
Our biggest innovation over the past 7 years has been adding stem cell therapeutics, with the assistance of a high-powered laser directing these stem cells to the parts of the brain and body that need them most. These laser-activated and guided stem cells are like us sending in a new orchestra conductor to get your symphony to play the right tune.
You are essentially graduating from being diagnosed with a pathology to a new game of thriving, by enhancing the performance of your body. This is the aging backward part of the process for you.
Our process aims to extend your life and maintain its healthy and vibrant quality for many years to come. We do this by consistently monitoring the most important biomarkers in your body and using our thrive therapeutics, supplementation, coaching, and exercise to truly optimize You.
From where you are now, you may not be able to imagine this. But after you go through our brain camp, you will not only be able to imagine it but also begin to live this new reality.
— Mark
— Jeff
— Christine
Early signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s that most people attribute to aging
Progression and prognosis of Parkinson’s and its causes
Practical tips to prevent Parkinson’s, which can also help prevent other diseases
Recipes and recommended foods to aid the body and brain in healing
Therapies and approaches for the treatment of Parkinson’s
And much more!
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